Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


DaniKel said...

Beautiful!! And what did you do to deserve flowers?!! hehe ;-)

Stephanie said...

Those were flowers that were from the centerpiece of the wedding we went to in June. So I did nothing except take them off the table...heehee...nothing special:o)

DaniKel said...

LOL Well, they are beautiful. Maybe I was just thinking that you deserve some flowers. Or maybe Lindz is sending me vibes that he wants you to do something special. LOL

I saw him last week when I was in office. He looks good. Not that he ever looks bad. But you know what I mean. I don't talk to him as much as I used to - so it was nice to chat with him for a few. I believe I realized that I have missed talking with him.

Stephanie said...

He said he talke dto you and that you mentioned never having a kid fre night..and he said he offered to watch them!!!! We really can babysit : o ) I am watching Wade and Sabrina's kids on the 12th and I watched Mer's friend, sara's daughter while Lindsey was in India..hint hint, we would like to help you out. We can even take them to our house for a while so you can just haev a night in your own home to be together without any interuptions ; o P luv ya!